Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Where I am reminded that I should perhaps try on shoes before I buy them

I LOVE Internet shopping, but it comes with its own perils.

A little while back, I confessed I was smitten with these adorable Hollywould Bateau flats, currently on sale at Zappos. They are pretty, aren't they? And devoid of painful heels, too! Attractiveness + (perceived) comfort + sale price means that Scarpediem gets all googly-eyed and MUST have them.

They have arrived today and made for one of my recent major shoe disappointments. Yes, they're pretty, and they are comfortable, but they are cut so low that they make my foot look like it's mass of whitish cargo overflowing out of a tassel-embelished dinghy. And I'm a medium width! Quite unflattering, overall. Back they go. Thank God for the free return policy at Zappos!

I'll take a short break from shoe-shopping (gasp! I know! I'm going cold turkey, which for a shoe addict like me, it's sure to result in seizures sooner or later), but will take some time to review a few shops and products, such as Insolia. This product claims to take the pain out of wearing high heels. Claim will be scientifically tested and results will come to this website soon. Stay tuned!


At 9:56 AM, Blogger Manolo said...

Based upon the appearance alone, the Bateau it is one of the Manolo's favorite shoes of the Hollywould. So it is indeed sad to hear of your distress with them when they were on your feets.

Happilly, the Zappos it is most accomodating, no?

And as the Manolo tells all of his friends, if the shoe it does not fit do not worry, there are many more super fantastic fish in the sea.

At 12:27 PM, Blogger Cristina Hanganu-Bresch said...

Indeed! There are so many shoes out there!

The problem with these, for me, is that the white leather piping engulfed the foot in a very unflattering manner, making it seem over-bloated.

But hey--on to more styles, and I'll rely on the Master Manolo, too, for suggestions!


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